Saturday, August 25, 2012

Vote God 2012
The Word of God confirms that in all domains of our life, God has given us a Mandate to Stand for HIM. People of Faith understand that God has a Kingdom, HIS Kingdom is a government, and HIS desire is for us to fully participate in it! One of the ways we participate in HIS Kingdom, is to encourage and support Righteous people to represent us (these are people that more closely align with Gods Word, God's Principles, and God's Truth); this means we VOTE! Vote God 2012:

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Democrats' Playbook Disintegrating

It is becoming increasingly clear that the traditional liberal playbook may no longer be relevant.
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American Majority


We are less than a week from the start of the Republican National Convention and while the polls for the Presidency remain tight it is becoming increasingly clear that the traditional liberal playbook may no longer be relevant.  In this edition of Majority Points, we’ll explore why that’s true and how it bodes well for conservatives – and America come Election Day.

For as long as most of us can remember, liberal and progressive politicians have all worked off of the same political playbook.  It’s like their Bible and whether they’re running for president or dog catcher, the formula is repeated over and over every year.  Here’s how it usually works:

  • Define the Republicans as being elitist and out of touch using class warfare rhetoric
  • Scare women into believing their rights will be taken away by the GOP
  • Use social issues as a wedge to win over independents
  • Frighten seniors into thinking their benefits will be eliminated
  • Utilize public employee union workers and paid volunteers from progressive groups to churn out votes in urban and suburban areas

Notice, there’s nothing in there about ideas.  More on that later.  For decades, Democrats have done remarkably well winning elections using this formula.  Until now.

This election year is different because this election year, the Democrat playbook isn’t working and here’s why.  It should give all of us added confidence that we can and will be able to take back America from the radical Obama agenda.

  1. Medi-scare isn’t going to work – Democrats love to scare seniors but this time around while the Obama machine is hoping Paul Ryan’s budget will do the work for them, it is actually having the opposite effect.  Ryan’s approval numbers with seniors have been positive, because older Americans are learning that while Romney and Ryan are trying to reform Medicare to save it, Obama has already raided the program of more than $700 million to help fund the President’s unworkable Obamacare scheme
  2. Social issues like abortion are not driving voter intent – The Obama campaign’s charge that Republicans are waging a so-called war on women has fallen flat as a pancake.  In states across the country social issues are in the single digits because the dismal economy, lack of jobs and even the budget deficit have taken center stage.  A recent poll in Pennsylvania showed that only 1% of voters will be making their selections based on social issues.  That’s a big weapon gone from the liberal arsenal.
  3. The just ‘tax the rich’ argument isn’t working – Obama doesn’t seem to realize that trying to force divides in America won’t work.  The majority of Americans don’t think that higher taxes or more government are the answer to the nation’s fiscal or economic crisis.  The problem for Obama is that there are no other ideas.  His concept is to grow government on the backs of everyone and ultimately turn producers into takers.  Americans aren’t going for it.
  4. The Right now has its own ground troops to counteract the unions and progressive groups – It’s called the Tea Party and it has proven over the last three years to be even more effective than the left’s long-standing method of churning out votes on Election Day.  The Tea Party and other local conservative groups are energized and show no signs of letting up.  In fact, this Presidential election, unlike 2008 or any before, may see the conservative activist community better organized and more effective than ever.  

You see – we CAN do this.  We can take our country back.  Get involved today at American Majority Action and be part of the victory.

Keep America Free,

Ned Ryun

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Media Trackers Spotlight

EPA's new cleain air regulations seek to increase visibility in areas surrounding national parks and wilderness areas by eliminating air pollution by 2064, despite projections that some of the regulations included will not produce any visible results.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

2010 Redux in the Works

2010 was a great awakening.  What we need to do now is wake more people up.
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Much as the news media would like to forget 2010, American conservatives know that individually and collectively we shook the very foundations of government two years ago.  From the local level on up and with non-partisan ground troops armed with common sense policies, the fed up American taxpayer rose to the occasion and gave freedom itself a desperately needed boost.  Now here we are in 2012.  The tea party has grown up into a more substantive, better organized and more effective force for change.  But the country is still slipping away from the vision of our Founders. 

The secret to our success will be persistence – the type of relentlessness that we have seen from the left for years.  There were folks who were part of the tea party movement in 2010 who wrongly believed that the work was done after new leadership was brought to the Congress or to statehouses.  We all need to realize that this country’s problems weren’t created by one party or one administration.  They weren’t the result of one bad policy, one corrupt official or even one generation of poor decision-making.  The America that sees the majority of its citizens’ rights, hopes and dreams subservient to a protected class of incumbents and public union members, didn’t develop overnight. The America that buckles under the weight of massive debt, huge budget deficits and colossal bureaucracy has been created over decades of neglect. 

Here’s the catch – the elected officials haven’t neglected the country.  They may be bought and paid for in many cases, but it’s not their fault.  Americans have neglected America.  Maybe not you, or the folks in your organization, but clearly the American majority had been silent for too long.  2010 was a great awakening.  What we need to do now is wake more people up.

What has been fascinating to watch over these last three years is just how much the tea party’s core values of less spending, lower taxes and limited government have shaped the American political discourse.  It often doesn’t get the credit for doing it but it did.  While the news media and liberal pundits would like to trumpet new programs and new spending, in a vain attempt to convince us that more government will save us, it has been the tea party that has made our national conversation about debt, deficits, and the impact those problems have on jobs. 

2010 was a time of great exploration.  Ordinary people did the extraordinary thing of blending old fashioned street theater politics, grassroots interaction and the new media to have a profound impact.  2012 is now a time to build on those skills. 

We need to reenergize folks who were part of the fight in 2010 but perhaps were disillusioned by a perceived lack of progress on critical issues.  We need to engage new citizen activists now to join not the tea party movement but a national, non-partisan effort to stand up for the American majority.   All it takes is one person on your block, in your office, in your organization to start talking about how our freedom is dependent on us to limit the power of government.  The more we let the government take from us, our families and our businesses, the less free we become – the less exceptional we are as a nation.  It’s a simple message.  It was the message of 2010.  It will work again in 2012. 

Keep America Free,

Ned Ryun

Resource Spotlight

Timely is a great tool for driving a Twitter account.   Not only does it let a group of people easily collaborate on a Twitter account, even for the individual activist it has the benefit of giving automatic, intelligent scheduling of posts.  Go ahead: write your Twitter posts for the day at once.  Timely will schedule them all day long at the times best to reach your audience.

AM Alumni Spotlight

Some text goes here relevant to the resource.

Media Trackers Spotlight

The campaign of state Sen. Linda Newell is mired in campaign finance violations and fueled largely by unions and other liberal special interests according to recent investigations and publicly available campaign finance records.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

American Statism 101

 In this edition of Majority Points we will give you a brief overview of American statism and why we must spread the word about this threat to our very existence. 
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American Majority


While we hear about liberalism and Republicanism, socialism and progressivism all the time in our American political discourse, the term statism is less widely used.  But statism is a very present and pressing problem in American life today.  In this edition of Majority Points we will give you a brief overview of American statism and why we must spread the word about this threat to our very existence. 

Conservatives should have a good grasp of what statism is, but the public doesn’t quite look at America’s problems through that lens.  They should.  When people think about overreach of the State, they think about communist Russia or an oppressed Middle East dictatorship.  They think about the Taliban or Venezuela.  People think that oppressive government activity is something that happens “over there,” but not here in the United States – the Land of the Free.  Well, they're wrong.  Just because our leaders oppress us with smiles and the backdrop of vibrant commercials using soaring music doesn’t mean what we’re being fed is freedom.  Think of it as statism with a smile.  It is here and we feel the sting of it every day.  

According to political scientists, statism comes in a variety of forms, all of which unfortunately exist in this country to some degree.  It’s when market economies experience large amounts of government intervention, regulation or influence.  It can be the forging of a co-operative economic system that relies upon state ownership or nationalization as a means of running industry.  Overall it is the development of a massive, government-controlled and centralized welfare infrastructure.  I also like to think of statism as forced economic equality – which runs counter to American principles.  All the class warfare rhetoric we hear is designed to divide Americans in the hope of creating equal outcomes through a more dependent society.   

Between 2006 and 2016, we expect to see a 50% increase in total welfare spending.  Here’s how the Federal budget breaks down in some key areas:

  • Safety Net Programs (Welfare etc.) – 13%
  • Medicare/Medicaid – 21%
  • Social Security – 20%
  • Benefits for Federal Workers – 7%

A grand total of 61% of the federal budget currently goes toward bloated, inefficient programs.  As they get larger, the government creeps closer to us and reduces individual freedom.  Quietly, stealthily, it pushes into our homes and our businesses little by little.  For the last hundred years, Americans and American values have given way to a perpetually growing government.  What we must do is talk to everyone who will listen about the difference between the America of even a generation ago and the America of today.  Then we must give them a glimpse of the America of the future if we do nothing.  One where perhaps 70% of our income goes to fund government programs in the form of taxes and fees; one where we have no hope of ever having a balanced federal budget or of reducing debt; one where American free enterprise is no longer viable in any recognizable sense; one where even the vast middle class is dependent on government’s largess. 

Statism creates a loop of dependency.  It turns givers into takers.  It leads to financial despotism.  As believers in limited government, we’re often not the most popular people at the party because we believe that government should be smaller, more efficient and less burdensome.  Our time is coming, however, because our national fiscal crisis – our freedom crisis – is becoming just that bad.  We see it at the polls across the country – taxpayers ready to push back.  Beating American statism will require Americans to stand up for themselves and America again.  As part of the American Majority who believes in the free market, individual responsibility, limited government, local control and public accountability, we are on the front lines of the battle.  The time is now to help others understand the depth of the problem and consider a freedom agenda for here at home.  Do it now – before November.

Keep America Free,

Ned Ryun

Resource Spotlight

Effectively “Telling Your Story” is a crucial aspect of any campaign or grassroots program. American Majority has developed this public speaking manual to address not only the basics of public speaking, but tips to take your message to the next level.

Media Trackers Spotlight

Before the June 5 recall election, and even before the May 8 recall election primary, Racine Mayor John Dickert was scheming for ways to prevent election observers from being present for elections in Racine, e-mails from the Mayor’s office reveal.

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