Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Groundswell, February 2012

Tea Party Rallies Are History But the Movement Isn't
There's a lot of wishful thinking in Washington. Beltway Democrats wish for more of our money to spend. Beltway Republicans wish no one would notice they've done nothing about the deficit.
President Obama is wishing from the 18th green that the economy will magically improve enough to make him appear competent. And his progressive allies wish the Tea Party, which defeated well-heeled liberal forces in 2010, would just go away.
The Left thinks it's getting its wish as Tea Party rallies fade into history. But that doesn't mean that the Tea Party is dead.....

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

NASCAR and the 2012 Elections

An Unprecedented New Program
Dear Friends,

On Thursday we were thrilled to announce our newest program, American Majority Racing, and unveil our Nationwide Series #81 car live on Fox & Friends. If you missed the appearance, you can watch the clips below: 

American Majority Racing is designed to target millions of NASCAR fans from all political backgrounds in an unprecedented effort to engage them in the electoral process. We've teamed with MacDonald Motorsports to put Jason Bowles in the #81 car for the 2012 NASCAR Nationwide Series racing season. The American Majority Racing program is designed to educate Americans about how smaller government and less spending will "Keep America Free." Through, American Majority Racing will encourage all Americans to register to vote in the 2012 elections.

Our message is simple, "Pledge To Vote - Keep America Free."

As our most loyal supporters, please help us spread the message of freedom throughout the country by sharing, visiting us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter. You can also access behind the scenes footage of the races on our YouTube channel

If you haven't already, go sign the pledge and together we'll put America's citizens back in the driver's seat!

For Liberty,

Ned Ryun
President, American Majority

P.S. This exciting new program is already picking up momentum, but we need help to reach even more Americans. Can you contribute $12 for our 2012 initative? Your support will help us attend more races and engage more voters seeking to keep America free. 

Click for your chance to win a pair of NASCAR tickets to a race near you. Read More »

Keep America Free
Learn more about the right solutions to keep America free. Read More »

Meet The Driver
Get to know NASCAR's newest sensation, driver Jason Bowles. Read More »

America's leading conservative grassroots training organization.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

AM Annual Report

Dear friends,
Every year we release an annual report to showcase the amazing things you have helped to accomplish over the previous year. We hope you will take a brief moment and look at our recent publication: The Groundswell: 2011 Annual Report.

2011 was a fantastic year for American Majority and all of the conservative grassroots groups we work with. We are quickly approaching our goal of 20,000 activists trained and 2,000 candidates running for office. None of this success would be possible without your support and enthusiam.

Click the image below or the link here to witness everything American Majority has accomplished in 2011. It is because of your generosity and support that American Majority is able to continue to identify good, conservative candidates and help build the next farm team of American leadership. Our success is your success.