Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Groundswell, September 2011

Taking To The Streets

The Greek mathematician Archimedes once said: "Give me a place to stand, and with a long enough lever I will move the whole world," thus introducing the concept of leverage. This very same principle is at the core of all local politics everywhere. Accordingly, figuring out where the windows of opportunity--those bottlenecks and pressure points--are is half the battle.

And using that most basic of campaign tools—the calendar—allows you to plainly see exactly where and when to intervene within the political process. Campaign cycles rarely change (barring special elections), so with the proper planning, you can leverage even meager resources to the hilt. For instance, making a motivated but small group of conservative activists and voters into the epitome of a primary election turnout machine when most others aren't paying attention.


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One Day - 14 States



Of Plans and People


On September 17th, American Majority celebrated Constitution Day by working hand-in-hand with community based organizations to hold 14 training events at locations across the nation, from New York City to Arizona to Michigan to Florida. Groups of people who are devoted to our country and want to see a return to Constitutionally limited government came together to find out how they can be most effective in their communities- American Majority revealed new training curriculum and our new Effectivism manual.  


In this month's American Spectator, American Majority President Ned Ryun takes a hard look at what has made the young, unfunded Tea Party movement effective in a way that the wealthy, esperienced DC-based conservative movement hasn't been. "Because many in D.C. have fallen prey to the ease of the self-validating echo chambers ("Your ideas on the flat tax are phenomenal," "You're awesome," "No, you're awesome"), the D.C.-based conservative movement has never truly facilitated an implementation method..





In September and October, American Majority is joining with Young Americans for Liberty to hold Campaign Bootcamps in locations across the counry to provide indepth campaign training for  activists and candidates who are committed to defending liberty in 2012 and beyond.


 For a list of dates, locations and registration information,

click here.

Here are a few of the resources that we at American Majority rely on for news and insight into the conservative movement - we think you'll enjoy them too! 

· REDSTATE Morning Briefing

· Ben Domenech's The Transom

· Quin Hillyar's weekly column at

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