Friday, August 19, 2011

The Groundswell, August 2011

 State of the Unions
By Matt Robbins, National Executive Director
I still remember the smell of that locker room.
Every summer during college, I worked at a plant on an industrial island in the Mississippi River. Corn syrup (the fructose in our soft drinks) was the main product, although we also loaded some impressively big barges with some sort of cattle feed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ten Solutions

Dear Friend,

Here at American Majority, we believe that government is intended to provide the freest political space within the bounds of ordered liberty, protecting our inherent rights while giving each individual the freedom to pursue his or her own dreams.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tea Party Patriots

Adopt a School and Patriots & Popcorn, great programs to restore our country back to a Constitutionally Limited Government available from Tea Party Patriots