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From: Delegate Bob Marshall <bob@delegatebob.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 4:06 PM
Subject: Update on Healthcare, Immigration, Hidden Tax Hikes, and Rejecting Stimulus Money
To: alexanderofyork@yorkteaparty.org
From: Delegate Bob Marshall <bob@delegatebob.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 4:06 PM
Subject: Update on Healthcare, Immigration, Hidden Tax Hikes, and Rejecting Stimulus Money
To: alexanderofyork@yorkteaparty.org
![]() OBAMACARE: Thanks again to all of you who helped pass my HB 10, Virginia's "Health Care Freedom Act," which gave our Attorney General standing to sue the Obama Administration in federal court. The Founders gave "we the people" the power to defend our rights against usurpers, whether foreign or domestic. Thankfully Virginia's suit was not dismissed. IMMIGRATION: I asked Attorney General Cuccinelli for his opinion about Virginia's ability to enforce existing immigration law in part because of the public response to Arizona's law and because the Virginia State Senate routinely kills immigration bills which pass the House of Delegates. Here is a paragraph from his opinion: "It is my opinion that Virginia law enforcement officers, including conservation officers, may, like Arizona police officers, inquire into the immigration status of persons stopped or arrested; however, persons tasked with enforcing zoning laws lack the authority to investigate criminal violations of the law, including criminal violations of the immigration laws of the United States." Even felons deported by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) are returning because our borders are not secure. For this reason I wrote to the Governors of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California, urging them to finish building the border wall or "national security fence" along their southern borders with Mexico now. This project would be supported by Americans in all states. We would all benefit from a secure border.
CAP AND TRADE: I have introduced H.B.1397 and H.B.1398 for the 2011 General Assembly session to challenge another federal power grab involving energy and the environment. H.B.1397 will challenge Congress' ability to establish national building inspectors to mandate homes and businesses be remodeled to meet federal environmental standards before they can be sold. H.B. 1398 will challenge federal air pollution standards. Please help me pass these bills just as you helped pass HB 10! (http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?111+sum+HB1397, http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?111+sum+HB1398) NO MORE HIDDEN TAX HIKES: The 2010 Virginia budget added at the last minute $130 million in increased fees and taxes and reduction of certain tax credits for businesses. No legislator voted separately on these hikes because they were hidden in the budget by House and Senate conferees and then sent back for final passage. This lack of transparency motivated me to introduce a constitutional amendment, H.J.Res.496, to prevent this practice. If the amendment passes in 2011 and 2012, the amendment will be on the ballot in 2012. Please ask your State Senator and Delegate to support H.J.Res.496. Let me know if you can distribute flyers about this amendment. (http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?111+sum+HJ496) CALIFORNIA'S PROPOSITION 8 RESCINDED BY JUDGE: One Judge nullified the voices of over 7 million Californians who had voted for Prop 8, an amendment to California's Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. By claiming that homosexual "marriage" is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, (even though sodomy had been illegal in many states until the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court decision), one Judge has condoned so-called homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgender "marriages" and its logical consequences: adoption of children by homosexual couples, cross dressing teachers, public schools teaching homosexuality, and churches facing discrimination charges for not performing certain marriage ceremonies. 2010 ELECTIONS: We must keep our eyes on the 2010 elections and do everything we can to firm up support for our constitutionally minded candidates by calling, donating, and visiting voters door to door. The Democrats will pull out all the stops, union members will walk door-to-door in precincts, and we don't know what will be thrown against our candidates in the coming months. Also, do not get complacent about polls. The only poll that matters is the one on Election Day! Thank you for your sacrifices and hard work to win! REJECT FEDERAL EMERGENCY STIMULUS: I asked Governor McDonnell to reject the recent "emergency" stimulus just passed by Congress. If he takes these funds, it will make it difficult for Republican congressional candidates to criticize Democrats who voted for the bailouts. Democrats will say, "Your own Governor took the money." This $26 Billion "free money" comes from borrowed money we don't have and $10 billion in taxes on multi-national Corporations which have plants in America. Taking this money is not good public policy or good campaign strategy. Congressional Republicans voted against this Obama "emergency" bill but if Republican governors take the money the public as well as democrat candidates will accuse Republicans of hypocrisy. LASTLY, I NEED YOUR HELP! In order for me to continue to fight on your behalf, I need your help. I would be most grateful for any donation you can make. No donation is too small! You can send a check made out to "Friends of Bob Marshall" and mail to PO Box 421, Manassas, VA 20108, or use donate link below. ![]() Please forward my email to others who you think would be interested in helping. Thank you for allowing me to serve in Richmond on your behalf! Sincerely, ![]() Paid for and authorized by Friends of Bob Marshall Donate to Bob Marshall! twitter.com/robertgmarshall facebook.com/delegatebob youtube.com/user/delegatebobmarshall |
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