Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Groundswell, April 2011

This month: So, You Want to Run for Office..., a look at how tea parties are impacting school boards, and some new resources.   
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So, You Want to Run for Office...Part 1

By Matt Robbins, National Executive Director
Many new activists and groups are fuzzy on exactly how to go about becoming the next crop of liberty-minded leaders. Where and how should you begin considering a run for office? When do you decide it's YOU that should step forward? Putting your name on the ballot involves enormous sacrifice, followed only in magnatude of difficulty by the actual job of becoming a public servant... that is, IF you win a campaign.

In the spirit of "stacking the deck" with right-thinking, credable, competent candidates, here are some short cuts that can allow for a rolling start should you decide to throw your name in the proverbial hat. 

First, get a political lay of the land. Look for open seats! If you live in a state where there are term limits at the state legislative level, an open seat is the best opportunity for a new, solid candidate. So do your homework in a term limited state (compile a list of all open seats coming up) and find out which seats are open in 2012.

(For the entire article, click here.)

Why America is Great

Our historical pamphlet series is one of our popular resources- and Volume 5, "To Form a More Perfect Union", has now been released! All five pamphlets can be found here.

One Woman, One Vote 

Read American Majority President Ned Ryun's most recent article in the American Spectator, highlighting True the Vote's election integrity program.


In April, Education Week took a look at how the Tea Party Movement is impacting school board elections across the nation, and how AM is part of that. Read the full article here.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fwd: [Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: AGENDA 21IN ONE EASY LESSON

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: DeWitt Edwards ;
Date: Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 9:56 PM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: AGENDA 21IN ONE EASY LESSON

I received this from Jonnie Adams today and it is great. Have a look and I think you will agree.

L. DeWitt Edwards 
A nation can survive it's fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
                                                                                           Author Malous Cicero

--- On Wed, 4/6/11, Jonnie Adams 
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 8:44 PM


by Tom DeWeese
April 6, 2011

Awareness of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is racing across
the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what
their city planners are actually up to. As awareness grows, I am
receiving more and more calls for tools to help activists fight back.
Many complain that elected officials just won't read detailed reports
or watch long videos. "Can you give us something that is quick, and
easy to read that we can hand out," I'm asked.