The 7 Secrets of Political Consultants by Matt Robbins Last month I talked about a few things elected officials would probably rather you didn't know. And since we here at American Majority are all about stripping the political process down, it's time to do the same for the modern-day priesthood: political consultants. Now, some of my friends make their living in this arena, but I'd be lying if I didn't tell you, both they and I get pretty disgusted with many aspects of their field. So, let's dig in and suss out 7 of their secrets: 1) It's said the best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing folks he didn't exist. This is kind of the reverse of Elected Official Syndrome, where a lawmaker wants you to believe in their godlike qualities. Instead, political consultants tend to vanish like gorillas in the mist between campaigns (especially ones like last year, where "insiders" are considered persona non grata). But just like the mosquito you hear buzzing about in a dark room, you know they're still there. 2) And not only are they still around, they're calling most of the shots. Lobbyists get all the bad press, but political consultants have created a cottage industry for themselves. That permanent campaign you're sick to death of? The negative campaigning you hate? Their baby. A poltical "military-industrial complex" means endless job security for them. Think of them as those walkers just out of camera sight, directing the gigantic Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons around every twist and turn on 34th Street. Read the rest of the list here. Matt Robbins is the National Executive Director of American Majority | | | |
Anita MonCrief Most of you know Anita's story, and many of you have heard her speak- now she is joining forces with American Majority to share her knowledge of ACORN with you. She has already started training groups across the country how to successfully (LEGALLY) register voters, and spot voter fraud. In March she will be training at the True the Vote Summit in Houston. | | A Tea Party Straw Poll Speculation about the 2012 Presidential Election is in full swing- whoever enters the race is going to claim the support of the tea party movement. But who does the grassroots want to see run? Take a look at this straw poll, vote on your preferences in the given match-ups, and tell us who you'd like to see in the Oval Office! | | On the Ground in Wisconsin After the great rally in support of Govenor Walker on February 19th in Madison, American Majority has been hard at work training tea party groups there and around the nation. As the need for new candidates becomes clearer every day, new leaders are stepping up to fill the void and stand for responsible government. The battle in WI is far from over- local budget debates and special elections are on the horizon! | | |